Tom Schoville has been looking for help with the church yard mowing including direct conversations and a bulletin announcement. This has yielded little. He contacted a mowing service whom he knows. Brandon Kirby of Kirby Lawncare has given him a quote of $60 per mowing for the entire yard. His normal price would be in the $100 range. If no one can help with the lawn mowing, the Council is planning to have Kirby Lawncare mow twice a month, say the first and third week of each month of the mowing season. Brandon also said he could schedule his service late in the week to give the yard the fresh mowed look for the weekend. We then would be looking at a $120 per month bill plus tax from Kirby Lawncare. This would still require members of the church to mow at least twice a month. Volunteers to help with the mowing and/or commitments to cover the un-budgeted mowing expense would be greatly appreciated.
Roger Oliver, Financial Officer
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