by Bonnie Strittmater
Isaiah 41:14-20 “When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue is parched with thirst, I the Lord will answer them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them.” v. 17

I think we can all relate to being in a situation that, at the time, seems difficult to get out of. You know the sinking feeling when you realize you just locked your car keys in the car with no spare and you have twenty minutes to be at your next appointment? Or you are in a group setting and you are asked a question but you have no idea what the answer is or how to address it? Maybe you are so tired at the end of the day you couldn’t possibly do one more thing?
And then it happens. A policeman pulls up beside you and asks what’s wrong and you blubber that your keys are locked in the car and you have this important appointment and could he possibly help you. And in five minutes he has managed to open your door and the sinking feeling has vanished and you can go on with your day.
Or, with all eyes on you for the answer or explanation someone in the group jumps in and answers it for you. You look at that person with a thank you emanating from your very soul.
And, of course, we have all had an overwhelming day and at the end of it we are so emotionally and physically tired that even the thought of brushing our teeth before bed seems like an insurmountable task, let alone having to still walk the dog or make lunches for tomorrow. And then, someone in your household says, “it’s ok, I will do it, just go to bed.” Ahhhh what a relief. Someone had your back and was able to help you. How much more does God have our back? At times we are in a situation emotionally or physically that is just too much for us and we need help. God’s promise is that no matter how thirsty we are, how parched, how helpless or hopeless he will never forsake us. Never. What a relief! Our thirst will be quenched and we will be able to carry on! God has our backs! Now and forever. Amen
God, this is the day you have made.
Come now Lord Jesus, so I may rejoice and be glad in it.
Come now Lord Jesus, so I may surrender to you my agenda and to-do list.
Come now Lord Jesus, so I may receive today your love from the ones you have blessed to give it to me.
Come now Lord Jesus, so I may share today your love with the ones you have blessed me to give it to.
Come now Lord Jesus, so I, all people, and all creation may be awake and ready for the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ, and the glorious end of days.
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