Miscellaneous/In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)
Booklets Available Please help yourself to any of the Booklets, Devotionals, Advent Studies, Advent Calendars, etc. available in the gathering… read more
Booklets Available Please help yourself to any of the Booklets, Devotionals, Advent Studies, Advent Calendars, etc. available in the gathering… read more
Booklets Available There are six (6) titles available in the gathering space for you. These booklets are intended to help… read more
Donation Opportunities Offering If you are unable to attend worship in person, please consider sending your monetary gift through the… read more
Donation Opportunities Offering If you are unable to attend worship in person, please consider sending your offering through the mail… read more
E-Weekly and Bulletin Please have items for the Wednesday e-weekly and Sunday morning bulletin and announcements to the office by… read more