by K.D. Kalber
Genesis 17:15-22 “Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed.” v. 17
Have you ever had such incredulous news that you could hardly believe it to be true? Imagine what goes through your mind when you learn that you have won the lottery…or, the doctor tells you that you are now cancer-free! This type of news can evoke a multitude of emotions…happiness, sadness, relief, maybe even disbelief. I find it interesting that Abraham, one of God’s chosen servants, found such disbelief in the word of God promising that 90 year-old Sarah would bear a son, he fell on his face and laughed. He may have thought that seemed impossible, and therefore laughed at the ridiculousness of the promise. Abraham even spoke words of disbelief—to himself, and to God: “Shall a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old? Shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?” Abraham was a man of great faith. Through his questions and laughter, he doubted God. Yet, with his great faith, he followed God’s commands.
Can doubt affect those of us with great faith? Sure, every day there are situations that lead to doubt—a car accident, cancer, job loss, death of a loved one, you name it. When faced with the impossible, and you begin to doubt God’s grace for you and your life, be like Abraham. Focus on God’s commitment to fulfill His promises to us—His grace & everlasting life through his son, Jesus Christ. Believe, be baptized, serve the Lord, and most importantly, await His coming with joy and thanksgiving.
God, this is the day you have made.
Come now Lord Jesus, so I may rejoice and be glad in it.
Come now Lord Jesus, so I may surrender to you my agenda and to-do list.
Come now Lord Jesus, so I may receive today your love from the ones you have blessed to give it to me.
Come now Lord Jesus, so I may share today your love with the ones you have blessed me to give it to.
Come now Lord Jesus, so I, all people, and all creation may be awake and ready for the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ, and the glorious end of days.
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