Ruth’s Time
by Brenda Sehmann
Ruth 1:6-18 “Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.” v. 16
It was the early 70’s and I was wondering why there were only two books (Ruth and Esther) in the Bible that were named after women! After all, it was the time of the Feminist Movement! So, I decided to read Ruth. It only had four chapters as opposed to Esther’s ten!
I remembered being impressed with Ruth’s strength. How could she stay with her mother-in-law, Naomi, and go to Bethlehem? Naomi was giving her an easy out to go back to her family and Moab! If it was me, I think I would of high tailed it home!
Now, being a little older and wiser, I realize the culture was different at that time. It was expected that the widowed daughters-in-law should take care of the widowed mother-in-law.
However, Ruth was in it for the long haul. She had a profound love and unshakable commitment to Naomi.
This was just the beginning for God’s timing with Ruth. With Ruth’s seeds of devotion, faith, love and strength; God proceeded to bless both her and Naomi.
During our time of Advent, may God bless us with His Gifts of:
*Devotion and enthusiasm for the coming of Christ in our lives
*Faith and trust in God’s perfect timing
*Love for all God’s people and
*Strength to do what God wants; even if it is uncomfortable.
God, this is the day you have made.
Come now Lord Jesus, so I may rejoice and be glad in it.
Come now Lord Jesus, so I may surrender to you my agenda and to-do list.
Come now Lord Jesus, so I may receive today your love from the ones you have blessed to give it to me.
Come now Lord Jesus, so I may share today your love with the ones you have blessed me to give it to.
Come now Lord Jesus, so I, all people, and all creation may be awake and ready for the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ, and the glorious end of days.
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