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Welcome to All Saints Lutheran Church!

During Advent, we wait for the Lord. But we are not people who wait idly. We pray.

Praying God’s promises in hope!

This is a time of renewal at All Saints’, of hope for God’s transformation to carry out Jesus’ Great Commission. So we are renewing our practices of prayer. Two of our newly-drafted new core values speak to our renewed commitment to pray:

+ Praise God through regular worship and daily prayer.
+ Seek strength through prayer, scripture, conversation, and study.

Come, wait, and pray,

Pastor Clark

Welcome to All Saints Lutheran Church!

We don’t believe in self-improvement. We believe in the power of God to transform lives and neighborhoods.

Cleansed by the Word, Transformed to Serve!

These are special days of All Saints’ transformation to carry out Jesus’ Great Commission. All Saints trusts Jesus’ transforming presence in scripture spoken, preached, and sung, in bread and wine and water, and in all people who gather around and share them.

Come, be transformed too–one week at a time,

Pastor Clark

Welcome to All Saints Lutheran Church!

Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”

Receive the Bread. Live the Life!

In these Bread of Life Sundays, God’s people at All Saints hold a place for you at Christ’s Table. May Christ feed you and your faith.

Grace and peace be yours,

Pastor Clark

Welcome to All Saints Lutheran Church!

Faith is a gift God has already given you. Be assured:

God nurtures the seeds of our faith.

In this season of growth and re-creation, God’s people at All Saints hold you in prayer. May the Holy Spirit raise a harvest of faith in you and in the Quad Cities.

Grace and peace be yours,

Pastor Clark

Welcome to All Saints Lutheran Church!

The good news of Christ’s resurrection opens us to different ways of being.

Jesus: opening tombs, minds, and hearts for all…since 33AD.

In the season of Easter, we pray that Jesus will open all closed, calculating minds and closed, controlling hearts and fill all people anew with playfulness and wonder, amazement and expectancy.

Grace and Easter peace be yours,

Pastor Clark