Upcoming Events

This Week

Wednesday, December 13th 

5 am E-weekly Published via e-mail

5:30 pm QC Studio Z – Zumba class (fellowship hall)

7 pm Bible Study (via Zoom)

Thursday, December 14th 

8 am Worship Items (bulletin, announcements, music, etc.) due to the office

Friday, December 15th

8:30 am Pick up order at River Bend Food Bank

9 am – 12 pm Food Pantry & Clothing Closet Donations accepted

9:00 am unload/put away River Bend Food Bank load at church

Saturday, December 16th

pick up bread from Hy-Vee (Devils Glen Road, Bettendorf) – at church by 10 am

9 – 11 am Food Pantry & Clothing Closet Donations accepted

9:30 am QC Studio Z – Zumba class (fellowship hall)

11 am – 1 pm Food Pantry & Clothing Closet open to the public

Sunday, December 17th

Third Sunday of Advent

9 am Ardor Rehearsal (sanctuary)

9 am Sunday School (children’s and adult)

10 am Contemporary Worship Service (sanctuary)

11 am Fellowship Time (gathering space)

Monday, December 18th   

8 am E-Weekly Articles/Announcements due to the office

5:45 pm QC Studio Z – Zumba class (fellowship hall)

Tuesday, December 19th  

5:30 pm Fit4Mom exercise class (fellowship hall)

6 pm Council Meeting (library)

Future Events

Wednesday, December 20th  

5 am E-weekly Published via e-mail

5:30 pm QC Studio Z – Zumba class (fellowship hall)

7 pm Bible Study (via Zoom)

Thursday, December 21st

9:45 am River Bend Food Bank Delivery @ church

Friday, December 22nd    

9 am – 12 pm Food Pantry & Clothing Closet Donations accepted

Saturday, December 23rd  

pick up bread from Hy-Vee (Devils Glen Road, Bettendorf) – at church by 10 am

9 – 11 am Food Pantry & Clothing Closet Donations accepted

No QC Studio Z – Zumba class (fellowship hall)

11 am – 1 pm Food Pantry & Clothing Closet open to the public

Sunday, December 24th

Christmas Eve

Fourth Sunday of Advent & Nativity of Our Lord

9 am Ardor Rehearsal (sanctuary)

No Sunday School (children’s and adult)

10 am Christmas Eve Worship Service with lighting of candles (sanctuary)

11 am Fellowship Time (gathering space)

Monday, December 25th

Christmas Day

Office Closed

5 am E-weekly Published via e-mail

No QC Studio Z – Zumba class (fellowship hall)

Wednesday, December 27th

No QC Studio Z – Zumba class (fellowship hall)

Friday, December 29th

8:30 am Pick up order at River Bend Food Bank

9 am – 12 pm Food Pantry & Clothing Closet Donations accepted

9:00 am unload/put away River Bend Food Bank load at church

Saturday, December 30th  

pick up bread from Hy-Vee (Devils Glen Road, Bettendorf) – at church by 10 am

9 – 11 am Food Pantry & Clothing Closet Donations accepted

9:30 am QC Studio Z – Zumba class (fellowship hall)

11 am – 1 pm Food Pantry & Clothing Closet open to the public

Sunday, December 31st

First Sunday of Christmas

9 am Ardor Rehearsal (sanctuary)

No Sunday School (children’s and adult)

10 am Worship Service – Lessons & Carols

Monday, January 1, 2024

New Years Day

Office Closed

No QC Studio Z – Zumba class (fellowship hall)

Sunday, January 7th

Baptism of Our Lord

9 am Ardor Rehearsal (sanctuary)

9 am Sunday School (children’s and adult)

10 am Contemporary Worship Service (sanctuary)

11 am Fellowship Time (gathering space)