October Happenings

Bible Study

Join Pastor Pokora on Wednesday evenings for Bible Study at 7 pm (via Zoom). The focus will be the lessons for the following Sunday.

E-mail Pastor Pokora (richpokora@yahoo.com) to request the meeting id and password that is needed to join.

Preparation for the Food Pantry & Clothing Closet

Volunteers are needed to help pick up items from River Bend Food Bank on Friday, October 4th at 8:30 am. Volunteers are also needed to put away the items at All Saints Lutheran Church at 9:30 am on Friday, October 6th.

Volunteers are needed throughout the week to prepare the clothing closet and food pantry as well.

Food Pantry & Clothing Closet Open on Saturdays

The Food Pantry & Clothing Closet are open every Saturday from 11 am – 1 pm, even holiday weekends. Several volunteers are needed while the food pantry and clothing closet are open to the public. The food pantry & clothing closet serve about 125 families each and every week.

Children’s Sunday School

Children’s Sunday school will meet weekly at 9:00 am in the library.

October 1st – Sunday school lesson (library)

October 8th – Sunday school activity/service project

October 15th – Sunday school lesson (library)

October 22nd – Sunday school activity/service project

October 31st – Sunday school lesson (library)

If you would like to help teach the Sunday school lesson and/or help with the activity/service project, contact Amanda or Marilyn or sign up on the clipboard located on the kiosk in the gathering space.

Adult Sunday school/Forum

You are invited to join Pastor and Roger at 9 am in the gathering space for an Adult Forum next Sunday, October 8. During this time the focus will be Stewardship: Imagine (see the article below).

Worship Information

All are welcome to join us for contemporary worship and fellowship time at All Saints Lutheran Church at 10 am!

Introduction for the 19th Sunday after Pentecost

In Sunday’s gospel reading, Jesus tells a vineyard parable, which serves as an image of Israel, the prophets’ mission, and Christ’s death. For Christians, the vineyard also speaks of God’s love poured out in the blood of Christ, given to us for the forgiveness of sin. Grafted onto Christ the vine at baptism, we are nourished with wine and bread so that we may share Christ’s sufferings and know the power of his resurrection.

Scripture (two (2) read Sunday morning)

Isaiah 5:1-7 The song of the vineyard

Psalm 80:7-15 Look down from heaven, O God; behold and tend this vine. (Ps. 80:14, 15)

Philippians 3:4b-14 Nothing surpasses the value of knowing Christ

Matthew 21:33-46 The parable of the vineyard owner’s son

Theme & Write Up for the Season of Pentecost Autumn/November

written by Matt Reece, Director of Music Ministries

Open our hearts, Open our eyes, Open our hands

As we approach the end of the Pentecost season, our worship theme is “Open our hearts, Open our eyes, Open our hands.” This theme will guide us in a journey of spiritual growth and interconnectedness. Rooted in the teachings of Christ and the imagery of the vineyard, we will explore the transformative power of opening ourselves to God and others, fostering spiritual relationships characterized by understanding, forgiveness, and compassion.

Through our worship, we will reflect on the metaphor of the vineyard, understanding ourselves as branches of the same vine tended by God. This imagery will remind us of our interconnectedness and shared dependence on God’s love and grace. As we open our hearts, we will cultivate a disposition of humility and non-judgment, recognizing that every individual is a unique creation of God. By opening our eyes, we will seek to perceive the world with Christ-like compassion, acknowledging the struggles and joys of those around us. As we open our hands, we will embrace the transformative power of forgiveness and extend kindness to others, nurturing the spiritual relationships that bind us in the shared journey of faith. In this season, we will strive to embody Christ’s teachings by becoming vessels of His love and grace, fostering unity and renewal within our faith community and beyond.

By embodying these principles, we will actively participate in the flourishing of God’s Kingdom here on Earth, creating an environment of love, compassion, and grace that extends far beyond the boundaries of our congregation.

Women of the ELCA Cluster 6 meeting

Saturday, October 7th, the Women of the ELCA Cluster 6 will hold their next meeting at St Paul Lutheran Church in Davenport, IA from 9 – 11:30 am

Sunday, October 15th Schedule

19th Sunday after Pentecost

9 am Ardor Rehearsal

9 am Children’s Sunday School Lesson

10 am Worship Service

11 am Fellowship/Refreshments


The Council will meet on Tuesday, October 17th at 6 pm in the church library.