E-weekly and Bulletins
Please have articles and/or announcements for the e-weekly to the office by 8 am Monday mornings and articles and/or announcements for the Sunday worship bulletin to the office by 8 am Thursday mornings. Please call the office and leave a message (563-359-9516), email the office (office@allsaintsdavenport.org), or fill out a form when you are at church and slide it under the office door.
Let the office know if you would like to receive the message from the previous Sundays.
In an effort to keep the prayer list up to date, please let the office know when you would like to add and/or remove names from the list.
The kiosk in the gathering space has a wealth of information on it. Some of the information found on the kiosk is council minutes, e-weekly, mailings, events that are happening in the church or the community, etc.
“Our Daily Bread” devotional booklets are available in the gathering space.
Building Use
Did you know All Saints Lutheran Church has agreements with several outside companies that use our space during the week? Please keep this in mind when you are in and out of the building during the week.
QC Studio Z: Did you know that QC Studio Z offers Zumba classes in the fellowship hall three times a week? The class schedule is Mondays & Wednesdays 5:45 – 6:45 pm and Saturdays 9:30 – 10:30 am.
For more information visit their website: https://www.qcstudioz.com/
Fit4Mom: Fit4Mom holds a Stroller Strides Class from 5:30 – 6:30 pm Tuesday evenings in the fellowship hall during inclement weather between the months of May and October.
For more information visit their website: https://quadcities.fit4mom.com//
West Music Company – Music Therapy: Sound Reach, a vocal music-making opportunity for groups or individuals with cognitive and physical disabilities, will begin on Tuesday, September 5th from 5:45 – 6:45 pm. They will use the sanctuary for a weekly rehearsal through November 2023.
For more information visit their website: https://musictherapy.westmusic.com/