Sunday, September 4, Lunah was baptized into the family of God at All Saints Lutheran Church. Congratulations! Proud parents are Brianna and Devin. Proud sponsors are Sara and Michael, and proud grandpa is Jim.
From the Financial Officer
- Undesignated Monthly Offering Received during July 2022 (need $7,667)
- $7,010.00
- Designated Offerings Received during July 2022
- $430.00 was donated to the Food Pantry
- $40.00 was donated to the Happy Hearts Hopeful Future fund (goes directly toward the mortgage principle)
- Mortgage balance as of July 31, 2022
- $158,402.41
- 2022 Year to Date Undesignated Giving is behind $6,602.00
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. – Hellen Keller
Please check the kiosk for volunteer opportunities at church – sign-up if you are called to serve our Lord, Jesus Christ. Read about church and community happenings on the kiosk. Do you know of a community event that others may like to know about as well? Please get the information to the office so items can get on the kiosk for our church community to see.
From the Office
You may call, e-mail, or put a form under the office door (located on the kiosk or in the mailbox outside the office door) to communicate with the Director of Communications. We ask that items be in the office by 9:00 am on Mondays to ensure announcements and/or articles make it into the e-weekly on Wednesdays and items be in the office by 10:00 am on Thursdays to ensure announcements and/or articles make it into the Sunday bulletins. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.