July Happenings

Bible Study
Bible Study led by Pastor Pokora will take place on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm via Zoom. The information for tonight’s study is Meeting ID 735 9399 8392 and Password 7Nc4v3

Food Pantry and Clothing Closet
Volunteers are needed every Friday at 9:30 am to help unload food for the food pantry. The Food Pantry & Clothing Closet are open every Saturday from 11 am – 1 pm. If you are not able to help on Fridays or Saturdays but would like to volunteer other times during the week, please contact Anne or Bonnie to coordinate.

Sunday worship at All Saints Lutheran Church is offered in-person at 10:00 am in the sanctuary. The worship service will continue to be live streamed on Facebook Live and later uploaded to YouTube if you prefer to worship in your home.

Worship Helpers – July 11
Pastor – Richard Pokora
Musicians – Ardor & Wanda
Sound Board – Kirk
Camera Operator – Trever
Projectionist –
Altar Care – Ellen
Assisting Minister – Ed
Song Leader – Ed

Worship Helpers – July 18
Pastor – Richard Pokora
Musicians – Ardor & Wanda
Sound Board – Kirk
Camera Operator – Trever
Projectionist –
Altar Care – Ellen
Assisting Minister – Rhaena
Song Leader – Rhaena

Worship Helpers – July 25
Pastor – Richard Pokora
Musicians – Ardor & Wanda
Sound Board –
Camera Operator –
Projectionist – Laura/Kaylee
Altar Care –
Assisting Minister – Ed
Song Leader – Ed

Volunteer Sign-up Sheets
You are needed!

Everyone has probably heard the saying, “Many Hands Make Light Work”, but it is especially true at church. We need volunteers to help make things run smoothly in all aspects of All Saints Lutheran Church.

The 3rd Quarter Sheets are on the kiosk! Please, sign-up on the clipboards that are located on the kiosk in the gathering space.

Are you willing to help during worship, but are unsure how to do something? Please send an email or call the office and leave a message. Kristen will get you in touch with the appropriate person(s).

QC Studio Z
Zumba will resume in-person classes Monday, July 12 in the fellowship hall. The class schedule will be Mondays 5:45 – 6:45 pm, Wednesdays 5:45 – 6:45 pm, and Saturdays 9:30 – 10:30 am. Contact Sara from Zumba if you would like more information or visit their website: http://www.qcstudioz.com/

Council will meet on Tuesday, July 13 at 6:30 pm at the church for their monthly meeting.

Garden Ministry
Do you enjoy working outdoors? If so, please help with the garden ministry at church. All items grown are given away at the food pantry each week. People are needed to help maintain the garden by watering and weeding as well as picking the produce. If you have questions, talk to Roger. Sign-up to help on the clipboard located on the kiosk!