President, 2-year term
Vice-President, 2-year term
Financial Officer, 2-year term
Ministry Teams, 1-year term
Proclamation – (3 representatives)
Service – (3 representatives)
Worship – (3 representatives)
Nominating Committee, 1-year term (6 members)
Synod Assembly, 1-year term (2 representatives)
Audit Committee, 3-year term (3 representatives)
These positions are critical to the continued success of All Saints. We need your energy and input as we move forward with our mission! New perspectives and experiences will help to engage our members and strengthen our community. Please prayerfully consider your commitment to our Church.
Your All Saints Lutheran Church Council
Elected Positions
Every spring at the semi-annual congregation meeting (in May) the voting members present will vote on elected positions that are available. If you are feeling led by God to hold one of these positions (either returning or new), please let any member of the Executive Council (Julie, Liz, and Jim) or the current Nominating Committee (Amanda, Barb, Steve, and Wanda) know.
Executive Council
President (1 person/2-year term)
The President shall preside at all meetings of the congregation, the Congregation Council and Executive Committee. The President shall see that the Constitution, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions are observed and that the actions of the Congregation Council are carried out.
Vice-President (1 person/2-year term)
The Vice-President shall be responsible for: 1. fulfilling the duties of the President in the event the President is absent or unable to serve. 2. The congregation’s visioning and planning process in order for the congregation to be responsive to changing demographics in the congregation and community. 3. Keeping accurate minutes of all meetings of the congregation and Congregation Council in a volume provided by the congregation, which shall be preserved permanently in its archive.
Financial Officer (1 person/2-year term)
The Financial Officer shall be responsible for: 1. keeping record of all income from contributing members and other sources. 2. keeping the books of accounts of the congregation, including the disbursement of funds on proper orders, insuring the monthly remittance of mission support receipts to the treasurer of the synod.
Congregation Council
The Congregation Council consists of the Pastor, Executive council (President, Vice-President, and Financial Officer), Team Lead from Worship Ministry Team (chosen by the worship ministry team), Team Lead from Proclamation Ministry Team (chosen by the proclamation ministry team), and Team Lead from the Service Ministry Team (chosen by the service ministry team).
Worship Ministry Team (3 people/1-year term)
The Worship Ministry Team is responsible for overseeing three committees—the Worship Committee, the Property Committee, and the Stewardship Committee.
Proclamation Ministry Team (3 people/1-year term)
The Proclamation Ministry Team is responsible for overseeing three committees—the Education Committee, the Outreach Committee, and the Hospitality Committee.
Service Ministry Team (3 people/1-year term)
The Service Ministry Team is responsible for overseeing three committees—the Social Ministry Committee, the Small Group, Youth Committee, and the Visitation Committee.
Audit Committee (3 people/1-year term)
The audit committee’s primary responsibilities are to examine all accounts and records of the congregation.
Nominating Committee (6 people/1-year term)
This committee shall recruit members to replace the outgoing Executive council members, ministry team members, audit committee members, nominating committee members, and synod representatives.
Synod Representatives (2 people/1-year term)
Attend the synod assembly in the spring to lift up and celebrate ministries and address the official business of the synod.