Bible Study
There will be a Bible Study led by Pastor Pokora on Wednesdays via Zoom at 7:00 pm the first three weeks of December. Learn about the Biblical lessons for the coming Sunday and enjoy fellowship with others.
Semi-Annual Congregation Meeting
The semi-annual congregation meeting will look a little different this year. The council would still like to vote on the 2021 proposed budget on December 6, but they are still working on how to make that happen when we cannot have more than 15 people gathering inside. Council has also decided that elections and celebrations will not happen at this meeting as previously stated. They will happen at the regularly scheduled May 2021 Semi-Annual Congregation Meeting. Keep an eye out for more information about the December 6 meeting in future publications.
Confirmation Class
The confirmation class will take a break during the month of December. Class will tentatively resume Sunday, January 10 after worship.
Holy Communion Class
The Holy Communion Class that was scheduled for after worship on December 13, December 20, and January 3 will be put on hold until we are able to worship together in the sanctuary again.
The All Saints Lutheran Church Council will meet on Tuesday, December 8 at 6:30 pm.
Worship Planning Meeting
The worship planning team will meet on Wednesday, December 16 at 5:30 pm to plan the season of Epiphany (January 10 – February 14, 2021).
Christmas Eve Worship
There will be a Christmas Eve Worship Service on Thursday, December 24 at 7:00 pm. This service will include Holy Communion and Lighting of Candles.