From the Council

2 June 2020

Dear Members of All Saints,

We hope this letter finds you healthy! We are happy to announce that we will be easing back into “in person” service beginning June 7th.

As we are called to love our neighbor, our main goal is to keep our members safe. With that in mind, our first few services will be outdoors (weather permitting).

What does this look like?

Service will be at 10:00 am

In an effort to adhere to the ELCA recommendations, Pastor Pokora and our musicians will be set up with microphones and keyboard in the rear parking lot. All will be welcome to set up lawn chairs in the lawn or parking lot with social distancing. All will be required to wear masks. We will have disposable masks available if needed. If you prefer to stay in your cars, masks are not necessary. The first Sunday (June 7th) we will have communion BYOB style (Bring your own bread and wine/juice). As you arrive, please pick up a bulletin which will be on the credence table. At that time, you can leave your offering in the offering plate. Things will look a little different for a while, but whether we are home watching a livestreaming service, in the parking lot, or in the sanctuary, God will be there.

We will continue to livestream the service at 10:00 am for those of you who are uncomfortable, unwell, or just unable to attend.

As these are very trying times, please be considerate of others. This is new for all of us and we are all in a different place, and as things change on a daily basis, so does our mindset.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of this, please do not hesitate to call.


See you soon!

Church Council

Pastor Richard   563.355.5405
Julie Schoville   563.349.5055