In Case You Missed It

The 2020 average monthly amount budgeted for Undesignated Donations (Anticipated) for Ministry Investment is $7,667. You donated $6,667 in February.

You donated $115 to mortgage reduction in January. Since inception, a total of $89,507 has been donated to the (Happy Hearts – Hopeful Future) debt reduction campaign.

The mortgage balance was $139,061.72 as of 02.29.2020.

From the Pastor
Greetings to members of All Saints Lutheran Church.

Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Pastor Rich Pokora. For almost forty years, I served Redeemer Lutheran Church in Bettendorf. Recently, I have also been an interim pastor in the ELCA Northern Illinois Synod for congregations in Port Byron, Galesburg and Orion, Illinois.

After a conversation with representatives of the Southeastern Iowa Synod, I was referred to All Saints Lutheran Church. Your church council and I agreed I would provide pastoral ministry for the congregation.

In our church council discussions, I said there are three vital qualities I hope to bring to your ministry: stability, continuity and revitalization. We will work very hard together to achieve these goals.

Let me say my wife, Gwen, and I are delighted to be here with you. All Saints has many gifts, including a great facility and location, a super staff, a committed membership and strong programs.

Obviously, like other area churches, the congregation faces challenges, especially with the pandemic that has closed church doors out of an abundance of caution for everyone’s good health.

No one can predict how long the present closure will continue, but we are determined to carry on the ministry of the church under these circumstances.

During Lent we will use Facebook live to reach church members. I will offer lessons, homily and prayer on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm and on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. Our streaming services has been well received. We have reached six to seven hundred individuals in each instance. Be sure to tune in and share the video with friends. Invite them to like our Facebook page.

The one issue I should address has to do with stewardship. All Saints Lutheran Church, like other congregations, depends on the financial stewardship of its members. Your support is greatly appreciated. Pandemic or not bills must be paid.

Finally, we must embrace the future with optimism. I know that is difficult to say under the present circumstances. We will get through these trying times together. The Lord, indeed, is our shepherd.  Pray and pray often for a strong faith and for this congregation and the world in which we live.

Take care, stay health, remain faithful.
Pastor Richard Pokora

Elected Positions
Every spring at the semi-annual congregation meeting (May 3, 2020 at 11:45 am) the voting members present will vote on elected positions that are available. If you are feeling led by God to hold one of these positions (either returning or new), please let any member of the Executive Council (Julie, Liz, and Jim) or the current Nominating Committee (Amanda, Barb, Steve, and Wanda) know.

Executive Council
President (1 person/2-year term)
Vice-President (1 person/2-year term)
Financial Officer (1 person/2-year term)

Congregation Council
The Congregation Council consists of the Pastor, Executive council (President, Vice-President, and Financial Officer), Team Lead from Worship Ministry Team (chosen by the worship ministry team), Team Lead from Proclamation Ministry Team (chosen by the proclamation ministry team), and Team Lead from the Service Ministry Team (chosen by the service ministry team).

Worship Ministry Team (3 people/1-year term)
The Worship Ministry Team is responsible for overseeing three committees—the Worship Committee, the Property Committee, and the Stewardship Committee.

Proclamation Ministry Team (3 people/1-year term)
The Proclamation Ministry Team is responsible for overseeing three committees—the Education Committee, the Outreach Committee, and the Hospitality Committee.

Service Ministry Team (3 people/1-year term)
The Service Ministry Team is responsible for overseeing three committees—the Social Ministry Committee, the Small Group, Youth Committee, and the Visitation Committee.

Audit Committee (3 people/1-year term)

Nominating Committee (6 people/1-year term)

Synod Representatives (2 people/1-year term)