Together in Christ Parish Bible Study
During the month of December (December 1, 8, 15, & 22) the Together in Christ Parish will have a joint weekly Bible Study on Sundays at 2:00 pm at All Saints Lutheran Church. The topic will be “Reading around the Christmas story”.
Congregation Survey
At the Semi-Annual Congregation Meeting this past Sunday, December 8 the council had a survey for the congregation to complete. An e-mail was sent on Monday, December 9 which asked for the surveys to be turned in or submitted by Sunday, December 15, but if for some reason you didn’t receive it you may click on the link below.
If you filled out a paper copy of the survey on Sunday, December 8, 2019 at the semi-annual congregation meeting, please do not submit another survey.
Thank you,
All Saints Church Council
Live Nativity
Live Nativity 2019 will be held on Saturday, December 14th from 4:00 – 7:00 pm at St James Lutheran Church. For our 6th annual event, we will again be sharing the retelling of the Nativity story complete with actors, animals and carolers. Free soup & dessert supper and crafts for all will be in the fellowship hall (lower level of the church). We hope all our St James and All Saints members will come and invite friends and family.
Children’s Pageant
There will be an extra rehearsal on Saturday, December 21 @ 9:00 am to prepare for the pageant.
The children of All Saints Lutheran Church will perform a Christmas Pageant on Sunday, December 22 during worship. All are invited to this lively performance.
Christmas Eve Worship
Tuesday, December 24 All Saints Lutheran Church will have the Christmas Eve Worship Service at 7:00 pm. This service will include candle lighting and Holy Communion.
St James Lutheran Church will have a Christmas Eve Worship at 4:00 pm.
ELCA Good Gifts Angel Tree
There will be gift tags on the angel tree for different ELCA Good Gifts this year. Please consider taking a tag and placing the amount in an offering envelope, marked for the item on the tag. Families can take the tag (ornament) home for their own Christmas tree. There are also Christmas cards by the tree to take if you would like to inform a family that you have given a gift to ELCA Good Gift program in honor of your relationship with that family. We all have so many items to dust and manage, the items from the ELCA Good Gift program are life changing, which is what the birth of Christ was for all of us.