September Happenings

Together in Christ Parish Joint Bible Study

On Wednesdays during the month of September (4, 11, & 18) the Together in Christ Parish will have a weekly Bible study at 9:30 am at St James Lutheran Church. The topic will be the book of Esther. All are welcome so, invite your friends.

Children’s Bibles

Bibles will be given out to the children that attend children’s Sunday school on Sunday, September 15 during worship.

Stewardship Meeting

There will be a stewardship meeting on Wednesday, September 18 @ 5:30 pm.

Together in Christ Parish Board

The Parish Board will meet Tuesday, September 17 at 5:30 pm in the library at All Saints. 


All Saints council will meet Tuesday, September 17 at 6:30 pm in the library at All Saints. 

Quad Cities Marathon

ELCA’s God’s Work. Our Hands. Annual Day of Service

The members of St. James invite the members and friends of All Saints to join them in September at our God’s Work. Our Hands. Day of Service this year.  We are going to support the runners in the Quad City marathon with a water station at the corner of 18th and Oak during the race, and by making and holding posters of encouragement during the time the runners pass our church area.  On September 15 following the Worship Service (about 10:00 am), everyone is invited to come to the Fellowship Hall to make posters to use on September 22.  All supplies will be provided.  The race will be held on September 22, and anyone who wants to help at the water station or hold posters encouraging the runners needs to be at St. James from 7:00 am through 8:45 am and be sure to wear your God’s Work. Our Hands. shirts if you have one.  Members of All Saints are also invited to stay and attend our worship service at 9 am.

Questions?  Contact Joyce Marinaccio at 563-343-3404 or at