From the Financial Officer
The average monthly amount budgeted for 2019 for Undesignated Donations to Ministry Investment (Anticipated Offerings) was $7,500. You donated $6,298 in April, $1,202 less the monthly budget requirement. However, since our giving for March was well above the $7,500/month budgeted, the rolling average/month YTD is $29,687/4 = $7,421.75; only slightly below the required average. Thank you, again.
You donated $90.00 to mortgage reduction in April. Since inception, a total of $88,217 has been donated to the (Happy Hearts – Hopeful Future!) debt reduction campaign.
The 04.30.19 Mortgage balance was $147,023.60.
From the Pastor
What happens on Sunday morning? Really and truly, what happens? We know the drill, we come to worship. We have some coffee, talk to other people, walk into the sanctuary to sing, and listen and take communion. But what else is happening? What else could Sunday morning do? What else could worship, even not on a Sunday, do?
Worship, at its best, gives us a glimpse into life in the Kingdom of God. In worship, we spend our time talking to God in prayer. Everyone is fed at communion. We meet people we wouldn’t normally meet and share peace we wouldn’t normally share peace with. We give away our money and ourselves. We sing our best songs, even if we aren’t great singers. We hear our best stories, even if we need hearing aids. We proclaim Christ’s defeat over death and the powers that try to kill us. Worship shows us the life God calls us to. A life where all are welcome to participate, where the unlovable are loved, where the hungry are fed, where we gather as a community regardless of what forces may try to keep us apart. In worship, God names us as children of God. In worship God claims us. And to top it all off, at the very end, we are sent back into our own lives to re-enact this kingdom-of-God way of life. Worship is holy revolution.
Worshipping God, surrounded by God’s people may in fact be one of our boldest Christian moves yet. Worship resets us, removes us from our fears and reorients us towards God’s dreams for this world. That’s what happens on Sunday morning. Suddenly it has a lot more pep than we ever realized! And we have opportunities to worship every week.
This summer, we will be learning about the foundations of our faith. In June we will be focusing on worship. We will be learning (for the first time or for a refresher) about the power of what we do on Sunday morning. Mark your calendars for June 9th or June 12th. These will be special days of study on what worship is all about. Sunday, June 9th, come to St. James from 4:00-6:30 pm, dinner will be served. Or on Wednesday June 12th, find your way to All Saints, from 5:30-8:00, dinner will also be served. Each session will focus on Sunday morning, and is designed for all ages and families. Please RSVP on the sign-up sheets in the gathering area.
Worship is our right, our duty and our joy. Let’s learn how that comes to be.
Pr. Amy
Thank you
Thank you to all who came to help Aleck celebrate his High School Graduation at the Open House in his honor. The Reece Family