From the Financial Officer
The average monthly amount budgeted for 2019 for Undesignated Donations to Ministry Investment (Anticipated Offerings) was $7,500. You donated $10,639 for March, which is $3,139 more than the budgeted monthly average. Thank you! However, since our giving for January and February were both short of the $7,500/month budgeted, the rolling average/month YTD is $23,389/3 months = $7,796; slightly above the monthly average budgeted. Thank you, again.
You donated $60.00 to mortgage reduction in March. (Since inception, a total of $88,127 has been donated of the Happy Hearts, Hopeful Future campaign.)
The 03.31.2019 Mortgage balance was $147,744.44.
From the President
April 16 Council Highlights:
+ Bonnie will be writing the Domestic Hunger Grant for 2019
+ Spring Clean-up day to be scheduled soon
+ Pastor Jacquie will be preaching on May 19
+ Joint Worship with St. James on June 9 at All Saints Lutheran Church
+ Multi-Generational VBS this summer…watch for details
+ Semi Annual meeting fast approaching. This is our meeting to elect new officers and ministry teams. How is your Heart calling you to serve?
Royal Ball Run – Autism Awareness – Donations
All Saints Lutheran Church has been listed on back of 1,500 t-shirts as a Royal Supporter for Royal Ball Run for Autism for the last several years because of your financial support! Anyone interested in donating this year can place your donation (checks written to All Saints and designate on the memo line Royal Ball) into the offering plate on Sunday mornings by the end of May. One check will be written from All Saints at the beginning of June to support this great non-profit. Thank you in advance for your donations!
Save the following dates:
Royal Ball for All Carnival and Fun Run will be Friday, June 21, 2019
Royal Ball for Autism Walk, 5K, and 5-mile run will be on Saturday, June 22, 2019
The Royal Ball Fundraiser will be on Saturday, November 2, 2019
All proceeds will support Royal Ball Run’s efforts to raise autism awareness as well as funds to support local autism programs. For more information about the Royal Ball events visit
Elected Positions
Every spring at the semi-annual congregation meeting the voting members present will vote on elected positions that are available. Here is the list and descriptions for the positions that are held at All Saints Lutheran Church. If you are feeling led to hold one of these positions (either returning or new), please talk to any member of the Executive Council (Julie, Liz, and Roger) or the current Nominating Committee (Marilyn, Rhaena, Anne, Tom, Kristen, and Jim).
Executive Council
President (1 person/2-year term)
The President shall preside at all meetings of the congregation, the Congregation Council and Executive Committee. The President shall see that the Constitution, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions are observed and that the actions of the Congregation Council are carried out. The President may attend all Ministry Team meetings, Inter-Team Committee meetings, Nominating Committee meetings, and Audit Committee meetings having voice but no vote. The President shall attend Call Committee meetings only if appointed to the committee or invited to attend by the Call Committee. The President shall be a voting member of the congregation and shall serve similar offices of the Congregation Council and shall be voting members of the Congregation Council.
Vice-President (1 person/2-year term)
The Vice-President shall be responsible for: 1. fulfilling the duties of the President in the event the President is absent or unable to serve. 2. The congregation’s visioning and planning process in order for the congregation to be responsive to changing demographics in the congregation and community. 3. Keeping accurate minutes of all meetings of the congregation and Congregation Council in a volume provided by the congregation, which shall be preserved permanently in its archive. Upon the recommendation of the Vice President, the Congregation Council on a yearly basis, shall appoint an individual to fulfill this duty (this position may be a paid position upon the approval of the congregation. Further duties and responsibilities of this position may be specified in the continuing resolutions. The Vice-President shall be a voting member of the congregation and shall serve similar offices of the Congregation Council and shall be voting members of the Congregation Council.
Financial Officer (1 person/2-year term)
The Financial Officer shall be responsible for: 1. keeping record of all income from contributing members and other sources. 2. keeping the books of accounts of the congregation, including the disbursement of funds on proper orders, insuring the monthly remittance of mission support receipts to the treasurer of the synod. Upon the recommendation of the Financial Officer, the Congregation Council on a yearly basis, shall appoint individuals to fulfill these duties. (These positions may also be paid positions upon the approval of the congregation. Further duties and responsibilities of these positions may be specified in the continuing resolutions.) The financial officer shall be a voting member of the congregation and shall serve similar offices of the Congregation Council and shall be voting members of the Congregation Council.
Congregation Council
The Congregation Council consists of the Pastor, Executive council (President, Vice-President, and Financial Officer), Team Lead from Worship Ministry Team (chosen by the worship ministry team), Team Lead from Proclamation Ministry Team (chosen by the proclamation ministry team), and Team Lead from the Service Ministry Team (chosen by the service ministry team).
In all three Ministry Teams (Worship, Proclamation, and Service) the Ministry Team Leads are responsible for the following items: 1. Attend the Council meetings and represent the Ministry Team, 2. Lead the monthly Ministry Team meetings, 3. Attend the monthly Inter-Team meetings, and 4. Lead their respective Ministry Team to accomplish the list of items found in the Continuing Resolutions section of the constitution.
Worship Ministry Team (3 people/1-year term)
The Worship Ministry Team is responsible for overseeing three committees—the Worship Committee, the Property Committee, and the Stewardship Committee.
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee is responsible for overseeing the worship life of the congregation.
Property Committee
The Property Committee is responsible for the planning, administration, care, maintenance, repair, inventory, replacement, protection and use of all church property for the congregation.
Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee is responsible for leading the members of the congregation to higher levels of proportionate giving for the Lord’s work. This committee will promote the expression of Christian faith in daily living, teach the Christian use of money, conduct an annual Every Member Response, and interpret the work of the church at all levels. The Chief Financial Officer will be a member of this committee.
Proclamation Ministry Team (3 people/1-year term)
The Proclamation Ministry Team is responsible for overseeing three committees—the Education Committee, the Outreach Committee, and the Hospitality Committee.
Education Committee
The Education Committee is responsible for the development and oversight of the educational ministry of the congregation. The educational ministry of the congregation seeks to help individuals of all ages to know and interpret the message of the Bible and the teachings of the church as they gather in a fellowship of Christians. The educational ministry of the congregation helps individuals develop Christian attitudes and skills in living the Christian faith.
Outreach Committee
The Witness Committee is responsible for planning, organizing, and supervising specific congregational witness ministries designed to reach others for Christ.
Hospitality Committee
The primary responsibility of the Fellowship Committee is to enhance a sense of community within the congregation. The committee facilitates fellowship and community by the development of activities and events that bring members together in a social setting.
Service Ministry Team (3 people/1-year term)
The Service Ministry Team is responsible for overseeing three committees—the Social Ministry Committee, the Small Group Committee, Youth Committee, and the Visitation Committee.
Social Ministry Committee
The Social Ministry Committee identifies needs in the congregation and the community. The committee is responsible for developing ways in which the congregation can be of assistance in the name of Christ. The committee seeks to motivate the members of the congregation to visit the sick, the infirmed, the imprisoned, and minister to the poor and disenfranchised.
Small Group Ministry Committee
The responsibility of the Small Group Ministry Committee is to plan, educate, implement and maintain a Small Group Ministry program at All Saints. The primary focus of all small groups will be Christian education, fellowship and service to one another and others in the community and world. The Youth Committee is a specialized Small Group Ministry team.
Youth Committee
The Youth Committee is responsible for the overall youth ministry of the congregation. The committee in conjunction’ with youth leaders will work to maintain a youth ministry program which will enable meaningful ministry with young people.
Visitation Committee
The Visitation Committee is responsible for ensuring that members and friends of All Saints that are hospitalized or are undergoing special care are visited, maintain them on the prayer chain and provide communications to the members of the congregation concerning any special needs they may have. The intent of this committee is to maintain a pastoral and lay support to provide this care.
Nominating Committee (6 people/1-year term)
The Vice-President shall oversee the Nominating Committee which consists of six voting members of this congregation, two of whom, if possible, shall be outgoing members of the Congregation Council, shall be elected at the annual meeting for a term of one year. Members of the Nominating Committee are not eligible for consecutive reelection. This committee shall recruit members to replace the outgoing Executive council members, ministry team members, audit committee members, nominating committee members, and synod representatives.
Audit Committee (3 people/3-year term)
- Examines all accounts and records of the congregation.
- Oversees the work of the audit if it is performed by an outside auditor.
- Reviews all insurance policies and prepares a schedule of the insurance coverage.
- Inspects the congregation’s securities and investments and prepares a schedule of the securities and investments for review by the Stewardship Committee.
- Reports its findings in writing to the church council and presents supporting schedules and recommendations for change and improvements.
- Present Audit Report schedules and recommendations at the April Council meeting
Synod Representatives (2 people/1-year term)
The Synod Representatives will attend the 2-3 day Southeastern Iowa Synod Assembly that is held each spring.
Each spring, synods gather in assembly to lift up and celebrate ministries and address the official business of the synod – approve compensation guidelines, adopt a budget, address resolutions, and elect members to Synod Council. The Assembly is this synod’s highest legislative authority, limited only by the constitution and bylaws of the synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the assembly’s own resolutions. Assembly is also a cherished time when we gather from across the synod to reconnect with friends, meet new ones, and share what it means to be the body of Christ. There will be opportunity to spend time in biblical reflection and gather with members from other congregations in small group discussion, as well as participate in a variety of forums with topics related to our life together.