From the Pastor
In the next few weeks, as a wider church, we will begin out Lenten journey. Churches all over the world (Lutheran and others) celebrate Lent. It is a season of special repentance. A season where we are collectively examining what has drawn us away from God, as well as cultivating practices that draw us closer to God and our neighbors. We confess what we have done, and what we have left undone. Knowing that God’s mercy is always for us, we can approach this season of Lent faithfully journeying into the new places God is calling us. One way we draw closer to God and neighbor during Lent is through communal worship. In worshiping together, we overcome our own personal preferences and differences, we find joy and renewal in being together as Christians. The Lent plan for this year is as follows.
Ash Wednesday (3/6) at All Saints Lutheran at 7 pm
Dinner and Holden Evening Prayer at St. James Lutheran all Wednesdays during Lent. (3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, & 4/10) Dinner will be at 6 pm in the fellowship hall, worship will be at 7 pm in the sanctuary.
Maundy Thursday (4/18) at All Saints Lutheran at 7 pm
Good Friday (4/19) at St. James Lutheran at 7 pm
Easter Sunday (4/21) at St James Lutheran at 9 am and at All Saints Lutheran at 10:30 am
Keep your eyes and ears open for how God is at work in this season. Each congregation has some special things going on at this time, that will hopefully bring us into deeper faith. Your Parish Board has really thought about how Lent can be a holy time for both congregations, each church has something special to share with the other through worship. The All Saints worship space really allows for the movement that takes place in the Ash Wednesday and the Maundy Thursday services. St. James has so many community members coming through their doors on Wednesday nights, community members who can be welcomed into worship. We have come far as Together in Christ Parish, and we still have a quite a road ahead of us. I pray this season of Lent is one where faith, hope and love are nourished in our hearts and shared with the world.
Pr. Amy
From the Financial Officer
The average monthly Anticipated Offerings budgeted for 2019 is $7,500. We received $6,480 for January, which is $1,020 short of the budgeted amount for the month.
Happy Hearts has received $87,902 to date with $115 received in January.
The 01.31.2019 mortgage balance was $149,488.
From the Council President
February Council Highlights….
+We are looking forward to the shared parish Lenten Season
+Food pantry has been very busy. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated!
+We have hired Mike Becker for snow removal of the sidewalks.
+ Our 27-year-old water heater is in need of replacement and we hope to have this completed this week.
+We discussed staff reviews.
+The synod is preparing for the Bishop’s election. A new Bishop will be elected at the May 2020 synod assembly. What qualities would you like to see in a new Bishop?
Look for the full minutes on the kiosk in the gathering space!