From the Financial Officer
As of July 31: Budgeted Anticipated Offerings YTD (year to date), $51,042; Actual Offerings received YTD, $44,672; Offerings Deficit YTD, $6,370.
While The Happy Hearts, Hopeful Future! campaign ended in December of 2017, you may still contribute to further reduce the mortgage. All Saints received $205 in July which results in a total of $87,252 received to help reduce the mortgage debt (balance ~ $154,000 as of 07.31.2018). Please make sure your donations are clearly marked.
Men’s Choir
Calling all men! Do you like to sing? The men’s choir will rehearse for the 2018-2019 program year at 9:45 am in the sanctuary. All are welcome to come and sing with us. Contact Matt or Wanda for more information.