From the Financial Officer
As of June 30th: Budgeted Anticipated Offerings YTD (year to date), $43,750; Actual Offerings received YTD, $36,862; Offerings Deficit YTD, $6,888.
Quilting/Sewing Group
The quilting and sewing group is starting back up again August 11th. If you would like to learn how to sew or quilt or just have an interest in having a dedicated time to work on projects join Sheryn and Barb on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am in the gathering space. All are welcome.
All Saints’ Library
Did you know that All Saints Lutheran Church has a library? It is located at the end of the office hallway on the right-hand side. The library has books, DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes, devotion items, bible study items, youth group/Sunday school materials, etc. The checkout is based on the honor system – borrow what you would like for how long you would like and return the items when you are finished. Do you have books at home that you think someone else would like to use? Feel free to donate them to our library.