For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. 1st Corinthians 12:12-13
Pastor’s Annual Report-Reporting on May 2017 – May 2018
Dear People of All Saints,
What an adventurous year of ministry it has been. There have been many changes to our “body” these past 12 months. Changes that I hope renew our collective spirit and call to mission. This past year, All Saints, along with St. James in Bettendorf, came together to be part of the “Together in Christ Parish”. This happened in the spring of 2017, with David Aanonson serving at the interim pastor for both congregations. It was a fruitful time for both congregations. In August of 2017, I began my tenure as your pastor. We are learning to navigate the concerns and the joys of being joint congregations. The apostle Paul talks about how as Christians, we bear one another’s burdens and multiply one another’s joys; this biblical passage is coming alive before my very eyes in this congregation.
A few highlights from this past year include….
-The celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
-Lively Sunday worship and Sunday School
-Several weddings between both congregations
-Joint Thanksgiving service and pie fest
-Meaningful Christmas and Holy Week worship
-Joint Lenten services
-Joint Parish study on Luther’s small catechism.
-The completion of a photo directory
-Hundreds of tummies filled through the work of the food pantry and Salvation Army meals
We have come far as a parish, and we still have far to go. I truly believe that God is present with us, constantly remaking us in the image of Christ. This year, it is my prayer that we are open to what the Holy Spirit is doing in our congregation. The work of the Holy Spirit is often different than we imagine. The Holy Spirit often calls us to places that may be uncomfortable, but the Holy Spirit working among us is always worthwhile.
May God bless you and keep you,
Pr. Amy Diller
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