Donation and Volunteer Opportunities

Food Pantry Needs

The All Saints Food Pantry has been very busy so far in 2018. Special thanks to Scott Holtan for finding a “new to us” computer to keep all our client information for us, Riverbend Food Bank, and Churches Unite. Thank you!

One of our upright freezers has stopped working. We are in need of an upright or chest freezer. If you have one to donate, please contact Bonnie.

Families are so appreciative of laundry detergent, bars of soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine products, toilet paper and paper towels as well as winter coats.

Blessings, Bonnie

Salvation Army Meal Site

All Saints will prepare and serve a meal Saturday, April 7th at The Salvation Army Meal Site, 301 West 6th Street, Davenport, IA. Food preparation will take place the afternoon of the 7th at All Saints and the food will be served from 6 – 6:30 pm at the meal site. Please see the kiosk in the gathering space to sign-up to help or see K.D. Kalber. Our next regularly scheduled dates to serve are: June 5th, September 4th, and December 4th.

EWALU Volunteer Work Weekend – April 27-28

All are invited to a free weekend at Camp Ewalu. Join other volunteers, families, and church groups for outdoor activities, fun fellowship, and service projects to prepare camp for the summer season. Lodging and meals provided free of charge. Please RSVP to or call 563-933-4700.

Thank you for your support of Camp Ewalu!

For more information see the flyer located on the kiosk in the gathering space.

Volunteer Opportunities

Check out the “Many Hands Make Light Work!” side of the kiosk in the gathering space to sign-up for various volunteer opportunities. There are several openings for Projection, Assisting Minister, Usher, giving a member a ride to and from church, refreshments, etcetera.

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