Pastor Amy’s Office Hours
+ Pastor Amy will not be in the office(s) on Mondays, but please don’t hesitate to contact her via phone (662.292-6185) in case of emergencies.
+ Tuesday 1:00 – 5:00 pm and Thursday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm at All Saints
+ Wednesday and Friday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm at St. James
+ Tuesday mornings (9:00 am – 1:00 pm) and Wednesday – Friday afternoons (from 1:00 – 5:00 pm) are times Pastor Amy will have appointments, visit shut-ins, do hospital visits, meetings, etc. and flexible as to which church she will be in.
+ Saturdays will be reserved for special projects and Pastor Amy will be available by appointment.
Lenten Mid-Week Worship Schedule
+Lenten Mid-Week worship services (Holden Evening Prayer) will be held at St. James Lutheran Church at 7:00 pm on the following Wednesdays: February 21st, February 28th, March 7th, March 14th and March 21st. There will be a supper before the Mid-Week Lenten services, beginning at 6:00 pm @ St. James in the fellowship hall (basement).
Note: All Saints will be responsible for two meals at the joint Lenten Mid-Week worship services at St James. The dates are: Feb. 28th and Mar. 14th. The Proclamation Ministry Team is looking for volunteers to help come up with a menu, prepare the food, serve, and clean up. Please contact Scott Holtan (309.948.3249), Pat Howell (563.285.9895) or sign up on the clipboard located on the kiosk in the gathering space. All Saints will also lead worship on these two dates.
+Maundy Thursday worship will be held at All Saints Lutheran Church at 7:00 pm.
+Good Friday worship will be held at St. James Lutheran Church at 7:00 pm.
+Easter Sunday worship will be regular Sunday morning worship schedules at both churches.
Art for the Spirit
Here is an opportunity during Lent to stretch creativity, gain a deeper appreciation for the Holy Spirit at work in our lives, and learn something new. People interested from All Saints and St. James are welcome to attend one or every class! Blessings, Terese TouVelle
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