Pastor Amy’s Office Hours
+ Pastor Amy will not be in the office(s) on Mondays, but please don’t hesitate to contact her via phone (662.292-6185) in case of emergencies.
+ Tuesday and Thursday 9 am – 1 pm at All Saints; + Wednesday and Friday 9 am – 1 pm at St. James
+ Tuesday – Friday afternoons (from 1 – 5 pm) are times Pastor Amy will have appointments, visit shut-ins, do hospital visits, meetings, etc. and flexible as to which church she will be in.
+ Saturdays will be reserved for special projects and Pastor Amy will be available by appointment.
A Living Nativity
If you are interested in helping with this event in any way, please contact Pastor Amy or sign-up on the clipboard located on the kiosk in the gathering space. The Live Nativity will be held on Saturday, December 16th from 4:00 – 7:00 pm at St. James Lutheran Church (1705 Oak St., Bett). Soup supper is served continuously in the fellowship hall during the event. Note: Please enter on Oak Street. There will be performances on the hour and half hour. Donations are welcome for the St James Food Pantry and All Saints Clothing Closet (coast, hats, mittens, etc.).
Advent 4 & Christmas Eve Worship Schedule
The schedule for Christmas Eve this year is as follows:
Sunday, December 24th
9:00 am No worship @ St. James
9:00 am Ardor rehearsal (sanctuary)
9:45 am No Men’s Choir rehearsal
9:30 am No children’s Sunday school
10:30 am Worship – Advent 4 @ All Saints
4:00 pm Christmas Eve Worship with Holy Communion and candle lighting @ St. James
7:00 pm Christmas Eve Worship with Holy Communion and candle lighting @ All Saints (no band)
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