Donation Opportunities

ELCA Good Gift Angel Tree

This year the Service Ministry Team is placing ELCA Good Gift angel tags on the angel tree. This will begin the Sunday after Thanksgiving and end the last Sunday of December.  The gift ideas on the tree include pigs, chickens, water filters, medicine, school supplies, honey bees, helping to send teens to ELCA youth gatherings, warm blankets, farm tools and many more. Please consider picking an angel, placing the amount in the envelope and then the envelope in the offering plate. These gifts will truly be life changing for the families receiving them.

Hat and Mitten Tree

There is a hat and mitten tree in the gathering space for new items. Please consider purchasing hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves for those that are in need.


Thank you to all that have purchased a poinsettia in memory of a loved one.  If you have not paid for the poinsettia yet, please place your payment in the offering plate this Sunday (marked clearly).

You may take your plant home at the end of the Christmas season.

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