Feeling Grateful!


It takes a village (our church family) to accomplish great things, like a memorial service to celebrate the life of a charter church member. Thanks to all sandwiches makers and Julie for setting up the tables in the fellowship hall! Thanks for donating salads: Marsha, KD, Diane, Julie, Kristen, Bonnie, Liz, Brenda, Laura, Pat, Julie! Thanks for donating desserts: Barb, Kristen, Ellen, Pat, & Julie! Thanks for donating: Marilyn, Donna, Diane & Bonnie! Special thanks for helping serve and clean up yesterday Bonnie, Brenda, Julie, Diane & Marilyn you all Rock! Thanks to the Reece Family too! Matt & Aleck for music at the Memorial Service and Kristen, the communications director for your hours of hard work. Anne Holtan

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