Dear Colleagues in Ministry,
Grace to you and peace, in the name of Jesus.
Free Indeed is a congregation under development at the Anamosa State Penitentiary. This emerging ministry is jointly supported by the Southeastern Iowa Synod, our partners in Churchwide ministries, and various congregations.
Free Indeed is nearing the level of financial support necessary to call its first pastor. Worship services will begin soon thereafter. This prison congregation will share the good news of Jesus Christ with and through people inside the prison walls, with support from ministry partners outside the prison walls.
Thank you for your prayers and financial gifts.
Calling the first pastor and opening the doors to Free Indeed will be an exciting milestone. But this is only the beginning. There will be ongoing expenses related to maintaining and growing this important ministry to some of “the least of these who are members of God’s family.” Please consider establishing an ongoing financial partnership with Free Indeed that surpasses your congregation’s tithe to this synod and our Churchwide ministries.
Michael L Burke, Bishop
Southeastern Iowa Synod
If this is a ministry you would like to further support monetarily, please send your money directly to the synod (2635 Northgate Drive, Iowa City, IA 52245) or place your donation in the offering plate on Sunday mornings with the designation notated clearly on the check and/or envelope.
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