Sunday, October 23, 2016 Lectionary 30 Introduction
Genuine repentance and pretentious piety stand in stark contrast in the gospel and all around us. All creation stands in need of God’s forgiveness. Keep the faith. God’s people—“all who have longed for his appearing”—shall be accounted righteous for Jesus’ sake. Our God is merciful to sinners. For all this the assembly glorifies God forever.
First Reading: Jeremiah 14:7-10, 19-22
In a time of drought, the people pray for mercy, repenting of their sins and the sins of their ancestors. They appeal to God to remember the covenant, to show forth God’s power, and to heal their land by sending life-giving rain.
Psalm: Psalm 84:1-7
Happy are the people whose strength is in you. (Ps. 84:5)
Second Reading: 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18
The conclusion of this letter to a young minister offers a final perspective on life from one who is now facing death. Though others have let him down, Paul is sure of his faith in the Lord, who has stood by him and lent him strength.
Gospel: Luke 18:9-14
The coming reign of God will involve unexpected reversals of fortune with judgment rooted in mercy. Jesus tells a parable in which the one who humbles himself is exalted and the one who exalts his own righteousness is humbled.
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