We begin the season of Lent with a series of invitations: return to the Lord, confess and repent, seek the Lord in all things, remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.
In our Lenten scriptures we will hear invitations: to press on, to persevere, to thrive, to be sustained, to be open, and to live an abundant life. We will also hear time and again about the everlasting love, abundant grace, and steadfast faithfulness of God.
Throughout this forty day Lenten journey together, you are invited to hear, experience, and participate in God’s faithfulness. You are invited to join in the fellowship of God during Wednesday soup suppers. You are invited to quiet life’s noise, light candles of prayer, and sit with God during the Wednesday Holden Prayer services. You are invited to stand firm in your own faith and to share your faith with others. You are invited to walk these forty days with the full assurance of God’s faithfulness that you do not walk alone.
You are invited…and all are welcome.
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