In December 2014, All Saints people committed to give more than $110,000 over three years to paying down the mortgage on this beautiful sanctuary and fellowship hall downstairs. More than $29,000 has already been received! This puts us quite a bit ahead of schedule. Thank you.
Where is that money now? It’s already reducing debt. After the investment in Stewardship Key Leader consulting was made, the rest of the money was—and is—applied directly to the existing mortgage principle.
Consider giving part of your gift between now and September 1. Why? Because that’s when the first round of refinancing will happen. Roger Oliver, All Saints’ Financial Officer, already applied to the ELCA’s Mission Investment Fund. The mortgage amount as of September will determine All Saints’ monthly payments until the next round of refinancing. The smaller the debt, the smaller the payments. So your summer HHHF gifts will make a big difference!
To make a continuing or one-time gift visit:
Or make your check out to “All Saints Lutheran Church,” with the notation, “HHHF!”
Thank you so much. Thanks be to God for you. Stay happily and hopefully tuned!
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