this week: 10/15 and beyond

Wednesday, October 15
5:45pm  Zumba
7:00pm  Ardor Rehearsal

Friday, October 17
5:30pm QCI ROC Event

Saturday, October 18
9:00am  Quilting
9:30am  Zumba
1:00pm  Food Pantry

Sunday, October 19
9:00am  Sunday School and Confirmation class
10:00am  Worship

Monday, October 20
5:45pm  Zumba

Tuesday, October 21
10:00am Clergy bible study
6:00pm  SoundReach rehearsal


Mark your calendar

Friday, October 17
5:30pm Quad Cities Interfaith Rekindling Our Congregations event

Saturday, October 18
9:30-3:30pm Money In Church training at Edwards UCC

Sunday, November 9 through Sunday, December 14
All Saints’ debt-reduction capital campaign

Monday, November 3
5:30pm New Vision Team meeting

Tuesday, November 11
7:00pm joint Council, New Vision team, Mutual Ministry team meeting with Pastor Gloria Dovre

Wednesday, November 12
5:30pm Worship Planning meeting
7:00pm Mutual Ministry team meeting

Thursday, November 13
7:00am Quad CIties Interfaith fundraising breakfast at the Rogalski Center Ballroom, St. Ambrose campus

Wednesday, November 26
7:00pm Thanksgiving Eve worship

Tuesday, December 2
6:00pm SoundReach concert

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