March 2013 Newsletter

This is All Saints’ newsletter for March 2013.

+ Calendar

+ Pastor’s article

New Vision Team update

+ ELCA “Hunger Rumblings” blog

+ 20-30s group

39+ group

Congregational Meeting

A congregational meeting was held on Sunday, February 24, to vote on Pastor Clark Olson-Smith’s call which was set to expire in March. There were 35 members in attendance and a 2/3(two-thirds) vote was needed. The congregation voted/spoke and 94% voted to extend Pastor Clark’s call. Pastor Clark accepted the call and looks forward to serving All Saints.

Follow-up to Bishop’s Visit 2013 [steps/actions to be taken by pastor, leaders and congregation]

Mid-Week Worship Opportunities:  Mid-week services begin at 7pm with the Soup Suppers at 6pm preceding services.  There is a sign up sheet to let everyone know when you are able to bring a pot of soup for the dinner. Remaining soup suppers are Mar. 6, 13, 20. See you there!


Wednesday 7pm Lent Worship

Midweek Lenten Series: Beneath the Cross of Jesus

“We live our lives beneath the cross of Jesus, beneath God’s manifold love and grace that reach to us even from Calvary. Based on the hymn “Beneath the cross of Jesus” (ELW #338), this series explores what it means for us to abide at the foot of the cross, to cling to the rock of our salvation, to dwell in the house of the Lord, and to confess our sins and receive God’s forgiveness.” From Sundays & Seasons, copyright © 2012 Augsburg Fortress.

March 6 – Lent 3: “A home within a wilderness, a rest upon the way”

March 13 – Lent 4: “From my contrite heart, with tears”

March 20 – Lent 5: “I take, O cross, your shadow for my abiding place”

March 28 – Maundy Thursday service

March 29 – Good Friday service

Easter Sunday is March 31.


Mission Support Giving 2012:  Thank Youto the members of All Saints from the Southeastern Iowa Synod of the ELCA, in grateful appreciation for giving $7,092 for Mission Support beyond the congregation for synodical and churchwide ministries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.



This week we continue our “Bust A Bug” initiative in support of the ELCA Malaria Campaign. Mosquitoes are swarming in the Gathering Space and you can help to save the child by eliminating one mosquito for $1.00. Our goal is to raise $1000 during Lent in support of the $!5 million ELCA project. Think of the children!


Why the ELCA?  For many years, the ELCA has been building relationships of accompaniment and mutual respect with our companion churches in Africa. Together with our church partners, we are poised to bring about a massive grassroots movement to contain malaria and bring hope to those who suffer.  Lutheran churches in Africa aren’t just places of worship. They are the center of community life. That’s what makes our work—the work of the church, through churches—perfectly positioned to make a difference.  Malaria Facts:

    • Almost  9 out to 10 of the 800,000 people who die from malaria each year live in Africa.
    • An  African child has on average between 1.6 and 5.4 episodes of malaria each  year.
  • In countries with high rates of malaria, the disease accounts for up to 60 percent of health clinic visits and 50 percent of hospital stays.


By the Numbers: All Saints publishes attendance and giving summaries in print only. Contact the office for a copy.

In Our Prayers: All Saints publishes its prayer list in print only. Contact the office for a full list.

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