October 2012 Newsletter

This is All Saints’ newsletter for October 2012.

+ Calendar

+ Pastor’s article

+ ELCA “Hunger Rumblings” blog

+ 20-30s group

+ 39+ group

Good Soil Groups

Curious what Good Soil groups will be reading next? Click here for a Fall 2012 schedule.


Quad Cities CROP Hunger Walk

Crop Walk Will be held Sunday, October 7, at Modern Woodmen Park. The Quad City Crop Walk is a bi-state walk where scores of churches and other faith groups enlist pledged sponsors to pay them to “walk for the hungry”. Rally at 1:00 pm; walk starts at 2:00 pm Please contact Jeff Williams to walk or sponsor a walker. You can also contribute at www.churchworldservice.org. Thank You missionaries.


Sunday Learning:  All Saints’ weekly learning for all ages began September 9th.  It is at 9 am before worship. Everyone under 10 years old is invited to All Saints’ One Room Sunday School.  In October, all adults and confirmation students are invited to a conversation about what ELCA means to be led by Pastor Clark.


All Saints Parking Lot

The parking lot is overdue to be sealed and striped. The resealing and striping is supposed to be done every 2 -3 years and we haven’t done it for about 5 years. We have taken a chance in having moisture penetrate the surface and cause damage which would lead to more costly repairs in the future by not doing the proper maintenance in a timely manner.


At the September meeting the council decided that an adopt-a-bill approach to get this accomplished yet this fall was needed. The cost is $2,500 through Bob’s Blacktop. Some of you may or may not know, but when we resurfaced the parking lot and blacktopped the gravel parking area (the lower lot) it was done through a gift from one family. We would like to make sure we take care of that generous gift by getting the entire parking lot resealed and striped this fall to ensure our parking lot is in excellent condition. Please consider giving toward this worthwhile item. We all would like to keep our church grounds looking great inside and outside.
Thank you, Worship Ministry Team


Note for November, All Saints is NO longer a polling place.


New Vision Team

The New Vision Team and members of the congregation met on Saturday, September 15 and worked together to draft 2 versions of a new purpose statement. Members of the New Vision Team refined the drafts into a working purpose statement. This new purpose statement will change and grow as All Saints changes and grows.


All Saints’ God-given purpose is…

        Igniting people—

                   passionate for God’s Word,

                               real relationships,

                                                 and prayer—

       who boldly transform our neighborhoods

                                                             with love and hope.

On Saturday, November 10th, members of the congregation will be meeting to compose All Saints’ core values. This is another great opportunity to be a part of the redevelopment process. Mark your calendars and we will see you there as all are welcomed.  The New Vision Team will be utilizing and updating a bulletin board in the gathering area, so be sure to check it out. The New Vision Team will also be compiling a small presentation to explain what we are doing and why. There will be an open forum in November for anyone to come and ask questions about the New Vision Team, so stay tuned for more details.  To get more information about the New Vision Team, please visit AllSaintsDavenport.org/Leaders, or ask any member of the New Vision Team:  Katey Krull, Mary Jo Plumadore, Tim Sampiller, Julie Schoville and Pastor Clark.          Tim Sampiller


Blood Drive (Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center) at All Saints, Wednesday, October 17, 3-6:30 p.m.  in the Fellowship Hall.  To donate, call the church office, 359-9516, or email Barb Johnson @barpaulus@yahoo.com.  Please eat before donating and bring a Photo ID.  Last date to donate elsewhere was 8/22/2012.


Fall Rummage Sale – at All Saints on Saturday, November 3rd, 2012

We will have a Sign-up Sheet for volunteers to work the sale or if you are willing to help organize and price donations. If you would like to bring anything for the sale early, we will have a classroom to store articles until the sale. If you have some items you would like to donate and need assistance getting them to the church, call and let the church office know.

We hope to have a volunteer to come and pick them up. If you don’t have any items to donate, a check made out to “All Saints Lutheran Church – rummage sale” will be gladly accepted.


We will be having adult clothing as well as children’s clothes for sale. With the cold weather arriving and increased demands of the food pantry – we see the need to help out those in need.


Other items you may want to donate to the sale:

Antiques, Appliances – small, Accessories / Ties, belts, purses, Baby items, Baskets,  Books, Candles, Children’s Books, Children’s & Adult Clothes, Collectibles – knick knacks, Games and Puzzles, Glassware, Jewelry, Linens, Lotion – Perfumes, Miscellaneous items, Pots and pans – kitchen items, Religious books and items, Seasonal Items for example: Christmas decorations, Shoes, Stationary / Paper Products – Cards, Bows, Art supplies, Tools, Toys.


Be sure the items donated are clean and not damaged. Contact Anne Holtan for more details.

Announcements from Our Friends


Christian College Fair – Your Story. God’s Design. 

October 4, 6:30-8:30 pm

Edgewood Baptist Church; 2704 38th Street; Rock Island IL

Information is posted and available in the gathering space.

For more information, go to:


or contact Pastor John Markum at 309.786.7913 / john@edgewoodbaptist.net


Iowa Mission of Mercy:  October 5 & 6 at the River Center in Davenport- 136 E. 3rd Street. Iowa Mission of Mercy is hosting a two-day free dental clinic. This is open to any child or adult in need of dental care. Dental care is given regardless of income or previous dental history.



Part D Medicare AEP (Annual Election Period) Oct. 15-Dec. 7.

SHIP (Senior Health Insurance Information Program) counselors will meet with seniors for a short program on Medicare options, incl. question & answer session.  If interested, contact Colette Blake, local SHIP coordinator, at Genesis Medical Center: 563.421.1095


By the Numbers: All Saints publishes attendance and giving summaries in print only. Contact the office for a copy.

In Our Prayers: All Saints publishes its prayer list in print only. Contact the office for a full list

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