This is All Saints’ newsletter for July 2012.
+ Calendar
+ ELCA “Hunger Rumblings” blog
+ “Faith in Daily Life” seminars
Pastor Clark will be away from July 2 through July 8. Pastor Don Sondrol will preach and lead worship on Sunday, July 8.
Wanda Barber, our organist/accompanist will be on vacation July 1, 15, 22, 29. Janice Harpest will be filling in for Wanda on these dates.
Davenport Lutheran Home Ice Cream Social – Sunday, July 8, 2:30-4:30 pm. 1130 W. 53 St. in Davenport. Live music, games, prizes, and more. For more information, please call 563.391.5342.
John Deere Classic – July 9-15 – Birdies for Charity is a fundraising event that encourages the community to support non-profit agencies; every pledged $ goes directly to the charity. John Deere Classic contributes 5% bonus to participating charities based on the proportion of the pledges collected. Chip in for your charity 2012. Churches United asks you to consider supporting their charity (#572). Pledge forms & charities listing is in the Gathering Space.
All Saints is putting together a new pictorial directory and we want you to be a part of it! Save the date – July 17 & 18. LifeTouch will be at All Saints July 17 & 18 from 2:30 pm – 9:00 pm for FREE family photos. More information is posted on both bulletin boards.
To schedule your appointment today – follow this link for on-line scheduling: https://www.photodirectoryscheduling ,or call the office at 563-359-9516 to schedule by phone. Everyone will receive a FREE 8×10 just for having your photo taken. There are many other ways to also get coupons if you would like to purchase a photo package. If you are not able to makes these time or would like to submit a family photo, contact Liz Bruns.
Acts Retreat – Saturday, July 14, 8:30 a.m. – 12 noon at church. Pastor Clark and the New Vision Team will lead and host it. Breakfast will be provided (but not lunch). Come for the food, friends, and reflection on Acts and God’s vision for All Saints. For more information, see Pastor’s article in the July newsletter.
Reading Acts – Contrary to its initial plans, the New Vision Team decided to postpone and split up the group reading/hearing of Acts in its entirety. Stay tuned for more information about a fall reading.
Vacation Bible School 2012 “Everything is possible with God” was a huge success. The Lord was praised in song, games, crafts, smiles and scripture. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who made this mission possible, and a special thank you to Amy Thoreson who once again did a great job of organizing and to the Schoville family for the exceptional decorating job. We also thank Chick-fil-A for providing Free Chick-fil-A Nuggets Kid’s Meal graduation certificates for all of the children we were blessed to have involved in our VBS. “Everything is possible with God”!
If you know someone who missed out on Vacation Bible School, there are still programs going on around the area. VBS 2012 Locations
By the Numbers: All Saints publishes attendance and giving summaries in print only. Contact the office for a copy.
In Our Prayers: All Saints publishes its prayer list in print only. Contact the office for a full list
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