conversation, community, centering
Every Wednesday in Lent: 2/25; 3/4, 11, 18, 25
6pm Soup Supper
7pm Holden Evening Prayer
Every Wednesday in Lent: 2/25; 3/4, 11, 18, 25
6pm Soup Supper
7pm Holden Evening Prayer
If you haven’t been able to watch Pastor Clark’s Facebook thank you video, then you are truly missing out!
An overview on how the Holy Spirit was involved to make Happy Hearts, Hopeful Future! a success.
Take a look at the blast dancers had while attending Quad Cities Zumba for Toys for Tots!
On Sunday, November 9, All Saints’ launched the “Happy hearts, Hopeful future!” campaign. It’s goal is raising $100,000 for debt-reduction, with a $25,000 stretch goal for accessibility upgrades.
Rev. Mark Halaas–our Stewardship Key Leader coach, guide, and guru–was present over the weekend to train the campaign leadership team and to preach on Sunday.
Watch your home mailboxes, the website, and e-news for invitations to the “Happy hearts, Hopeful future!” 10 Days of Prayer.
In the meantime, would you hold the leadership team in prayer?
Julie Schoville, General Chairperson
Anne Holtan, Communications
K.D. Kalber, Hospitality
Ken Moreland, Spiritual Emphasis
Pat Howell, Follow-up
Sharon Martin, Children and Youth
Roger Oliver, Advance Meetings
and Pastor Clark ∞
In this season of transition, we pray…
Let us be still and open to You
…because worry, busy-ness, and isolation comes all too easily.
God gave All Saints a holy purpose: “Igniting passion for Jesus, boldly transforming our neighborhoods with hope and love.” God, still us and open us!
We hope that you may hear in our invitation, God’s own invitation to you:
Learning: 9am
Serving: 1-3pm every Saturday
Welcome to All Saints Lutheran Church!
We pray…
Teach us how.
…because living God’s grace does not always come naturally.
God gave All Saints a holy purpose: “Igniting passion for Jesus, boldly transforming our neighborhoods with hope and love.” God, teach us how to do it!
Pastor Clark