The Season of Lent (February 14 – March 29, 2024)

Lent Focus & Resource

For the season of Lent, each worship service will focus around a resource written by the Rev. Erika R Uthe, Director for Evangelical Mission, Assistant to the Bishop, Southeastern Iowa Synod, ELCA. “Listen! God is Calling. God is doing a new thing do you not perceive it?”

Lent Supper Sign-up

Lenten Suppers will take place at 6 pm on the Wednesdays of Mid-Week Worship (3/6, 3/13, & 3/20). Volunteers are needed to assist the Proclamation Ministry Team each week (set-up, food for about 20 people, and clean-up). The supper will be 2 main dishes, dessert, and beverages. The sign-up sheet is hung on the kiosk in the gathering space. Contact Marilyn with questions.

Lent 2024 Schedule

Seasonal Theme: Listen! God is Calling.

Wednesday, March 6th

Focus: Listen, God is calling you to leave your building

3rd Lenten Mid-Week supper @ 6 pm in the gathering space

Worship service (Holden Evening Prayer) @ 7 pm in the gathering space

Sunday, March 10th

4th Sunday in Lent

Wednesday, March 13th

Focus: Listen, God is calling you to love

4th Lenten Mid-Week supper @ 6 pm in the gathering space

Worship service (Holden Evening Prayer) @ 7 pm in the gathering space

Sunday, March 17th

5th Sunday in Lent

Wednesday, March 20th

Focus: Listen, God is calling you to bear fruit

5th Lenten Mid-Week supper @ 6 pm in the gathering space

Worship service (Holden Evening Prayer) @ 7 pm in the gathering space

Sunday, March 24th

Palm Sunday/Passion Sunday @ 10 am beginning in the gathering space

This service will include Palms, Procession, and Holy Communion.

Thursday, March 28th

Maundy Thursday worship service at 7 pm in the sanctuary

This service will include the Laying of Hands, Holy Communion, and Stripping of the Altar.

Friday, March 29th

Good Friday worship service at 7 pm in the sanctuary

This service is a solemn remembrance of Christ’s crucifixion.