Sunday, February 11th Information

Theme for the season of Epiphany (January 7th – February 11th)

Immersed in Your grace
Transformed by the Spirit
Called to proclaim

Insight to the Season of Epiphany written by Matt Reece, Director of Music Ministries

In the sacred celebration of Epiphany, the worship theme resonates with profound significance: “Immersed in Your Grace, Transformed by the Spirit, Called to Proclaim.” This theme encapsulates the essence of Epiphany, inviting worshippers to delve into the boundless ocean of divine grace. The imagery of immersion suggests a deep and intimate connection with the divine, where individuals are submerged in the overwhelming love and mercy of God. As the Epiphany story unfolds, the transformative power of the Holy Spirit becomes evident, prompting believers to undergo a metamorphosis that transcends the ordinary and aligns their lives with the divine purpose. This theme calls for a contemplative exploration of personal encounters with grace, a recognition of the transformative journey led by the Spirit, and an acknowledgment of the sacred responsibility to proclaim this divine encounter to the world.

This season of Epiphany invites worshippers to reflect on the profound intertwining of grace, transformation, and the call to proclaim the Good News. Immersed in the grace that Epiphany symbolizes, individuals are encouraged to consider how this grace has transformed their lives. The transformative work of the Spirit is a central aspect, emphasizing the ongoing process of renewal and spiritual growth. Simultaneously, the call to proclaim underscores the communal nature of faith, urging believers to share the transformative power of their encounters with God. As the Epiphany season unfolds, this worship theme serves as a guide for believers to deepen their spiritual connection, embrace ongoing transformation, and boldly proclaim the grace that has shaped their lives, contributing to the collective journey of faith.

Worship Musicians

The musicians for worship can find the service orders and music in the crate on the back pew in the sanctuary for each week of the month of February. The musicians will rehearse from 9 – 9:45 am every Sunday morning. All are welcome! Contact the office if you plan to help lead worship.

Sunday School

The Sunday school classes (youth and adult) will meet on Sunday from 9:00 – 9:45 am.

Worship Information

You are invited to join All Saints Lutheran Church for the Worship Service at 10 am on Sunday! It is the 5th Sunday after Epiphany.

Introduction Copyright 2023 Augsburg Fortress

The Sundays after Epiphany began with Jesus’ baptism and end with three disciples’ vision of his transfiguration. In Mark’s story of Jesus’ baptism, apparently only Jesus sees the Spirit descending and hears the words from heaven. But now Jesus’ three closest friends hear the same words naming him God’s Beloved. As believers, Paul writes, we are enabled to see the God-light in Jesus’ face, because the same God who created light in the first place has shone in our hearts to give us that vision. The light of God’s glory in Jesus has enlightened us through baptism and shines in us also for others to see.

Scripture Introductions (two (2) lessons are read during worship) Copyright 2023 Augsburg Fortress

2 Kings 2:1-12

Today’s reading centers on the transfer of power and authority from the prophet Elijah to Elisha. Their travels, which retrace the path of Joshua back to Moab (the place where Moses died) and the parting of the waters, demonstrate that Elisha and Elijah are legitimate successors of the great prophet Moses.

Psalm 50:1-6

Out of Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth in glory. (Ps. 50:2)

2 Corinthians 4:3-6

The spotlight of Christian ministry is not on the people who carry out ministry but on the Lord Jesus Christ. Just as God made light shine at creation, God makes the light of Jesus Christ shine in our lives through Christian ministry.

Mark 9:2-9

Mark’s gospel presents the transfiguration as a preview of what would become apparent to Jesus’ followers after he rose from the dead. Confused disciples are given a vision of God’s glory manifest in the beloved Son.

Fellowship & Refreshment Time following worship

You are invited to stay after worship for a refreshment and fellowship time. This takes place in the gathering space.