Upcoming Events

Events This Week

Wednesday, July 26th    

5 am E-weekly Published via e-mail

5:45 pm QC Studio Z – Zumba class (fellowship hall)

7 pm Bible Study (via Zoom)

Thursday, July 27th  

8 am bulletin announcements due to the office

Friday, July 28th   

8:30 am load items @ River Bend Food Bank

9:15 am unload/put away food from River Bend Food Bank Delivery @ All Saints

Saturday, July 29th

pick up bread from Hy-Vee (Devils Glen Road, Bettendorf) – needs to be at church by 10 am

9:30 am QC Studio Z – Zumba class (fellowship hall)

11 am – 1 pm Food Pantry & Clothing Closet open to the public

Sunday, July 30th – 9th Sunday after Pentecost

9 am Ardor Rehearsal (sanctuary)

10 am Contemporary Worship Service (sanctuary)

11 am Fellowship/Refreshments (gathering space)

Monday, July 31st

8 am E-Weekly Articles due to the office

5:45 pm QC Studio Z – Zumba class (fellowship hall)

Events Next Week

Wednesday, August 2nd     

5 am E-weekly Published via e-mail

5:45 pm QC Studio Z – Zumba class (fellowship hall)

7 pm Bible Study (via Zoom)

Thursday, August 3rd   

8 am bulletin announcements due to the office

Friday, August 4th    

8:30 am load items @ River Bend Food Bank

9:15 am unload/put away food from River Bend Food Bank Delivery @ All Saints

Saturday, August 5th  

pick up bread from Hy-Vee (Devils Glen Road, Bettendorf) – needs to be at church by 10 am

9:30 am QC Studio Z – Zumba class (fellowship hall)

11 am – 1 pm Food Pantry & Clothing Closet open to the public

Sunday, August 6th 10th Sunday after Pentecost

9 am Ardor Rehearsal (sanctuary)

10 am Contemporary Worship Service (sanctuary)

11 am Fellowship/Refreshments (gathering space)

Monday, August 7th

8 am E-Weekly Articles due to the office

5:45 pm QC Studio Z – Zumba class (fellowship hall)

Future Events

Friday, August 11 & Saturday, August 12

VBS @ Grace Lutheran Church

Thursday, August 17th

6:30 pm Worship Planning Meeting (library)

Tuesday, September 5th

5:45 – 6:30 pm West Music, Inc. – Sound Reach Rehearsal Fall Session Begins (sanctuary)

Sunday, October 1st

QC CROP Hunger Walk @ Bass Street Landing in Moline