All Saints wouldn’t be here without you! How can you help fulfill the mission of All Saints Lutheran Church?
Please sign up on the clipboards located on the kiosk in the gathering space when you are available to help for planning purposes or just show up. Below are just some of the opportunities to help around church.
- Sunday Mornings
- Assisting Ministers
- Song Leaders
- Livestream Camera Operator
- Soundboard Operator
- Communion Assistants
- Offering Counters
- Musicians
- Sunday school leaders
- Provide Refreshments
- Set up before fellowship time (make coffee, set out cups/plates/etc.)
- Clean up after fellowship time (wash tables/run dishwashers/etc.)
- For the Food Pantry & Clothing Closet (weekly)
- every Friday to load food from River Bend Food Bank at 8:30 am
- every Friday to unload the food from River Bend Food Bank at All Saints at 9:15 am (except the third Thursday at 9:30 am)
- Pick up and deliver day-old bread from Hy-Vee on Devils Glen Road in Bettendorf (can be picked up after 7:30 am and needs to be delivered to church no later than 10 am)
- Every Saturday when the food pantry & clothing closet are open