Please sign up on the clipboards located on the kiosk in the gathering space when you are available to help for planning purposes or just show up.
- Decorations
- Saturday, January 7th beginning at 1 pm help is needed to take down and put away the Christmas decorations.
- For Worship (weekly)
- Assisting Ministers
- Song Leaders
- Livestream Camera Operator
- Soundboard Operator
- Communion Assistants
- Offering Counters
- Musicians
- For the Food Pantry & Clothing Closet (weekly)
- every Friday to load food from River Bend Food Bank at 8:30 am
- every Friday to unload the food from River Bend Food Bank at All Saints at 9:15 am (except the third Thursday at 9:30 am)
- Pick up and deliver day-old bread from Hy-Vee on Devils Glen Road in Bettendorf (can be picked up after 7:30 am and needs to be delivered to church no later than 10 am)
- Every Saturday when the food pantry & clothing closet are open