Scripture for Sunday
Isaiah 7:10-16
The sign of Immanuel
Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19
Let your face shine upon us, and we shall be saved. (Ps. 80:7)
Romans 1:1-7
Paul’s greeting to the church at Rome
Matthew 1:18-25
A God near at hand
Sunday Morning Worship
All Saints Lutheran Church is a congregation of people called by God to ignite passion for Jesus and transform their neighborhoods with hope and love. We believe all are welcome. Really, everyone. All kinds of people, in all walks of life, call All Saints home.
Worship at All Saints might look and feel a little different. We carefully and prayerfully select a worship theme each season, and we choose songs and liturgical elements that help communicate that theme and bring us closer to God and to one another.
All worship services are offered in-person in the sanctuary or via Facebook Live on the church’s Facebook page at 10 am. Assisted Listening Devices are available next to the soundboard for your convenience.
The worship service can be watched at a later time on the church’s Facebook newsfeed or on the church’s YouTube channel
Today Isaiah prophesies that a young woman will bear a son and name him Emmanuel. The gospel is Matthew’s account of the annunciation and birth of the one named Emmanuel, God-with-us. During these final days of Advent we pray, “O come, O come, Emmanuel,” a beloved hymn based on the O Antiphons, ancient prayers appointed for the seven days preceding Christmas. On this final Sunday of Advent we prepare to celebrate the birth of the one born to save us from the power of sin and death.
Prayer of the Day
Stir up your power, Lord Christ, and come. With your abundant grace and might, free us from the sin that hinders our faith, that eagerly we may receive your promises, for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Confession and Forgiveness
Blessed be the holy Trinity, ☩ one God, Love from the beginning, Word made flesh, light of hope. Amen.
Let us confess our sinfulness before God and one another, trusting in God’s endless mercy and love.
Merciful God, we confess that we are not perfect. We have said and done things we regret. We have tried to earn your redeeming grace, while denying it to others. We have resisted your call to be your voice in the world. Forgive us, loving God. Give us your righteousness, the strength to put aside our failures, and the courage to try again. Amen.
Dear people of God, hear the good news: You are loved and forgiven in the name of ☩ Jesus, who has come among us. You are freed from proving that you deserve to be loved, because God’s love is given to you
as the most precious gift of all. Rejoice in this love and share it with the world. Amen.
Worship Leaders & Helpers for 12/18
Pastor: Pastor Pokora
Musician: Matt & Ardor
Assisting Minister: Amanda
Song Leader: _____
Sound Board Operator: Kirk
Camera Operator for livestream: Trever
Projection Operator: _____
Altar Care: Marilyn
Sunday School Leader:
Treats: _____
If you can fill in where no one is listed, please let the office know.