Resurrected: Renewed for Life
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!
We celebrate the resurrection every Sunday of the year, but it is something that holds a special place during the season of Easter. The party continues through the seven weeks of the Easter season. We shake off the shadows and celebrate the new life and creation that is ours through Jesus Christ.
In the not-so-distant past, we had to send in a little card to renew a magazine subscription for another year. Now, we subscribe to streaming services, music libraries, and even shaving supplies that come in the mail every month. The companies that provide these services happily renew our subscriptions automatically. We don’t even think about it, at least until it shows up on next month’s statement.
With the gift of new life through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our subscription to eternal life in the Kingdom of God is automatically renewed. God is the one doing the renewal: We simply live and bear witness to the overwhelming love and grace that fulfills our every need and strengthens us to do the work of God’s Kingdom. We are called to love our neighbor, feed the hungry, care for the sick, and visit the prisoner. Not for any gain on our part, but that God’s love and grace might be felt everywhere, right now, with a lifetime renewal that has no end.