March Happenings

Bible Study

Wednesday night Bible Study will take a break during the season of Lent.

QC Studio Z

Zumba offers classes in the fellowship hall three times a week. The class schedule is Mondays 5:45 – 6:45 pm, Wednesdays 5:45 – 6:45 pm, and Saturdays 9:30 – 10:30 am. Contact Sara if you would like more information or visit their website:

Mid-Week Worship & Soup Supper during Lent

Soup Suppers will take place in the gathering space from 6:15 – 6:45 pm. Volunteers are needed to set up the gathering space, provide food, and clean up. Come for food and fellowship before worship.

Mid-Week worship services are offered on Wednesday evenings during the seasons of Lent at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. The Wednesday Mid-Week Worship service will use the Holden Evening Prayer Service. The worship service continues to be live streamed on Facebook Live and later uploaded to YouTube if you prefer to worship in your home.

Mid-Week Helpers – March 16
Soup Supper Helpers
Set up (before 6:15 pm) – Anne
Provide soup (large crock pot) – Anne
Provide soup (large crock pot) – Anne
Provide Roll/Crackers – Wanda
Provide Dessert – Anne
Clean up (after 6:45 pm) – Anne

Worship Helpers
Pastor – Richard Pokora
Accompanist – Wanda
Song Leaders (2) – Sharon & Ed
Sound Board Operator – Kirk
Camera Operator – Trever

Food Pantry and Clothing Closet

The food pantry continues to be one of the busiest food pantries in the Quad Cities! Thank you for all the volunteers who work tirelessly each week.

The food pantry needs volunteers to help unload food this Thursday from the delivery at 10:00 am from River Bend that includes food from Iowa Commodities which is a larger load than usual.

The Food Pantry & Clothing Closet are open every Saturday from 11 am – 1 pm, even holiday weekends.

Sunday School and Confirmation Class

Sunday school and Confirmation class meets every week at 9:00 am. Sunday school meets in the downstairs classroom and confirmation meets in the library.

Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday morning worship services are offered in-person at 10:00 am in the sanctuary. The worship service continues to be live streamed on Facebook Live and later uploaded to YouTube if you prefer to worship in your home.

Gathering Space Reserved for a Private Event

The gathering space will be used for a private event on Saturday, March 26 from 1:00 – 7:00 pm.

Sunday Morning Helpers
March 20
Pastor – Richard Pokora

Musicians – Ardor & Wanda
Sound Board Operator – Kirk
Camera Operator – Trever
Projection Operator – Craig B.
Altar Care – Ellen/Brenda
Assisting Minister – Ed
Song Leader – Ed
Sunday school Leader – Brandon/Julie
Confirmation Leader – Wanda
Refreshments –
Counters –

Mid-Week Worship & Soup Supper during Lent
Mid-Week Helpers – March 23
Soup Supper Helpers
Set up (before 6:15 pm) –
Provide soup (large crock pot) – Kirk
Provide soup (large crock pot) –
Provide Roll/Crackers – Wanda
Provide Dessert – Brandon
Clean up (after 6:45 pm) –

Worship Helpers
Pastor – Richard Pokora
Accompanist – Wanda
Song Leaders (2) –
Sound Board Operator – Kirk
Camera Operator – Trever