Remaining Lenten Mid-Week Worship Schedule
Wednesday, March 9
Soup Supper at 6:15 pm in the gathering space
Worship at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary
Wednesday, March 16
Soup Supper at 6:15 pm in the gathering space
Worship at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary
Wednesday, March 23
Soup Supper at 6:15 pm in the gathering space
Worship at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary
Wednesday, March 30
Soup Supper at 6:15 pm in the gathering space
Worship at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary
Wednesday April 6
Soup Supper at 6:15 pm in the gathering space
Worship at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary
Thursday, April 14
Maundy Thursday Worship at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary
Friday, April 15
Good Friday Worship at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary
Our Daily Bread
Our Daily Bread Devotional booklets are available in the gathering space on the welcome center for March, April, and May 2022. Please take one for your family.
From the Pastor
I saw a robin in a tree behind the church this morning. A sure sign spring must not be far away.
This has not been the easiest winter with plenty of snow and very cold temperatures. But we are now approaching the end of February and beginning of March. Its warming up.
Today was Transfiguration Sunday. Wednesday will be Ash Wednesday followed by the first Sunday in Lent. The church season marches on.
I always look for to Lent each year. The season marks the beginning of spring. Spring is my favorite time of year. Each fall I go to the garden center and purchase bags of yellow daffodils. I really enjoy daffodils poking up through the soil. Makes my day.
Spring means we have roughly nine months of warmer weather ahead. Hurrah.
In spring we speak about new life. The church will have new life too. Think of our weekly Lenten services.
I always enjoy Lenten services. Marty Haugen’s Holden Evening Service is beautiful. I look forward to hearing it again.
I always enjoy our Lenten dinners. We have an opportunity to sit down and speak with each other. On Sundays we rush into church and then out the door. But at a Lenten service and meal we can take time to speak with other and build our sense of community.
This Lent make it a priority to attend our meal and worship at Lenten Services.
I often tell people All Saints Lutheran Church is the little congregation with the big heart. Think of all we do thru our pantry each Saturday. We have a wonderful congregation. Nowhere will that be better experienced then at our Lenten meal and service.