December Happenings

Sunday worship at All Saints Lutheran Church is offered in-person at 10:00 am in the sanctuary. The worship service will continue to be live streamed on Facebook Live and later uploaded to YouTube if you prefer to worship in your home. Masks are recommended inside the building regardless of COVID vaccination status.

Upcoming Worship Helpers
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” — Helen Keller

December 5
Pastor – Richard Pokora
Musicians – Ardor & Wanda
Sound Board – Kirk
Camera Operator – Trever
Projectionist –
Altar Care – Marilyn
Assisting Minister –
Song Leader –
Sunday school – Julie
Confirmation Class – Wanda
Refreshments –

December 12
Pastor – Richard Pokora
Musicians – Ardor & Wanda
Sound Board – Kirk
Camera Operator – Trever
Projectionist –
Altar Care –
Assisting Minister –
Song Leader –
Sunday school – Julie
Confirmation Class – Wanda
Refreshments –

Sunday School and Confirmation Class
Classes meet at 9 am on Sunday mornings.

Semi Annual Congregation Meeting
You are invited to attend the semi annual congregation meeting Sunday, December 12 (note the date change) directly following worship. The primary purpose of this meeting is to vote on the budget for the 2022 calendar year.