His love endures forever, so let your faith shine.
Through the forty days of Lent, we have focused on God’s grace and the gift of life. Now, as the Son rises on Easter morning, God shows us that not even death has power over love. God’s love endures forever. How can we do any less than to let our faith shine in response to such overwhelming love?
God calls us to live in unity, rejoicing in God’s love and loving one another. We share God’s love when we worship together. We share God’s love in a kind word, and in a supportive gesture. We share God’s love by reaching out to the hungry and sharing our bounty with God’s children.
Jesus is our example. He embodies the love of God, made manifest among all people. Jesus shows us that all are welcome in God’s kingdom. He has shown us the light of God’s love, and calls us to be that light for others.
We gather each week to celebrate the Resurrection. We lift our hands and voices in praise, knowing that God has made us for worship. We come to the altar in our imperfection, knowing that God will meet us where we are. God’s enduring love sanctifies us and fills us with light, that we might let our faith shine in our lives.