November Happenings

Hy-Vee Reusable Bag Program
All Saints Lutheran Church Food Pantry & Clothing Closet has been selected by local Hy-Vee store leadership as the benefiting non-profit in the Reusable Bag Program!

For the month of November, All Saints Lutheran Church Food Pantry & Clothing Closet will receive a $1 donation from each purchase of the $2.50 reusable red “My Heart” Bag at the Hy-Vee store located at 1823 East Kimberly Road, Davenport IA.

Bible Study
Bible study will not meet today due to Thanksgiving. We will resume December 2 at 7:00 pm via Zoom.

Stewardship Drive
The committee asks that you keep All Saints Lutheran Church in the forefront of your heart. Please take time to prayerfully reflect on the information in your stewardship packet. As it says in 2nd Corinthians 9:6-7, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Please return your completed pledge card using the enclosed envelope, as soon as possible.  

Worship Information for November 29 – First Sunday of Advent
The worship service will be broadcast via Facebook Live at 10:00 am. Due to the surge in Covid-19 cases in the area, the council has suspended in-person worship until further notice.

During this time of online worship if you would like a worship document that would be similar to projection, please let the office know and it will be sent to you.

While we are worshiping remotely once again, please send your offering to church (5002 Jersey Ridge Road, Davenport, IA 52807). We still need to keep on top of all the bills. Thank you for your continued support.


Please remember to practice the 3W’s (wear a mask, watch your spacing, and wash/sanitize your hands often) when you are out and about to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Food Pantry & Clothing Closet
Did you know that the All Saints Lutheran Church Food Pantry & Clothing Closet is one of the busiest in the Quad Cities? It takes numerous people to volunteer to make this ministry happen. People are needed to not only volunteer when the food pantry & clothing closet are open on Saturdays, but various days throughout the week. If you can help sometime throughout the week talk to Bonnie, Anne, or Sheryn to coordinate.

Every Friday volunteers are needed to help unload food from RiverBend Food Bank from 9:30 – 10:30 am at All Saints.

Please note: The load will be picked up today, Wednesday, November 25 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. We have a great crew that picks up the loads from RiverBend on a weekly basis!

If you are interested in working in our food pantry or clothing closet on Saturdays, please sign up for a shift or two at

Thank you for helping people in need in our community!