Bible Study
There will be a Bible Study on Wednesdays via Zoom at 7:00 pm. Learn about the Biblical lessons for the coming Sunday and enjoy fellowship with others. Meeting ID 754 5126 3327 and Password 6iS5Rt
Clothing Closet Workday
This Friday, October 30 there will be a clothing closet workday from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. Any and all help is appreciated even if you can only help for an hour. If you have any questions, please contact Sheryn.
Food Pantry
Volunteers are needed every Friday from 9:30 – 10:30 am to help unload the load of items that were picked up from RiverBend Food Bank at All Saints Lutheran Church.
Prayer List
Please take a look at the names on the prayers listed in the e-weekly and/or bulletin. This list is getting stagnant and as a result the names on the list will be removed after four (4) weeks unless you contact the church office by sending an e-mail to Kristen at to let her know that you would like the name(s) kept on the list. This new policy will begin November 1.